Our signature Flat Fee Trademark service includes a comprehensive trademark search of the Federal trademark records, U.S. State trademarks, business names and domain name registrations. You will receive a Comprehensive Search Report and a Trademark Opinion Letter explaining the results of the trademark search and how it may affect your ability to use and/or register a trademark at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).* This package also includes a consultation call with one of our trademark attorneys and an attorney-prepared trademark application. We continue to monitor your trademark application pending registration and we will respond to any non-substantive requests from the USPTO while your trademark application is pending. You will receive an electronic copy of your trademark registration certificate once your mark is registered.

* If your first trademark name is not available or the search shows a potential conflict, we will conduct a second trademark search for you at no additional cost.

Why do we offer comprehensive trademark searches?

In addition to registered or pending federal trademarks, potential trademark applicants must be aware of “common law” users who may have prior rights in a particular trademark name. These users may never have applied for state or federal trademarking, but they have “common law” trademark rights based on use in commerce. Our comprehensive search includes federal and state trademark records, as well as business names and other common law usages that may affect your trademark rights.

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