Did you know you can employ the services of a Flat Fee Trademark Attorney on behalf of your clients? That’s right! We’re pleased to announce our Flat Fee Trademark Strategic Referral Service.[1] We encourage relationships with other attorneys, marketers, public relations agencies, advertising firms, graphic designers and any other third-party service provider seeking professional trademark registration and brand protection services for their clients.

For Marketers | Advertisers | Branding Agencies

Say you are launching a new brand campaign for your client and you need to confirm whether the trademark, logo or slogan you are proposing to your client is available for use, you can hire the trademark attorneys at flatfeetrademark.com to conduct a Comprehensive Trademark Search and prepare a Trademark Clearance Opinion Letter for your client’s consideration.

If your client decides to proceed with the new trademark name, we can also assist you in filing the trademark application paperwork.  This allows professional marketers, advertisers and branding agencies to focus on what you do well, while we take care of the things we do well – trademark searching and registration.

For Attorneys

If you are an attorney who does not practice Intellectual Property or trademark law but you have a client in need of trademark registration services, give us a call at (800) 769-7790. We can assist you in providing comprehensive legal assistance to your clients.  We will search your client’s trademark, prepare an Attorney Opinion Letter that analyzes and explains the search results, and file the trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  You may elect to serve as the Attorney of Record before the USPTO and receive all communications directly on your client’s behalf, or we will serve as the Attorney of Record and direct all communications to you for your client’s attention.

Best of all, we can prepare and direct all communications, including invoices, to you personally or to your client. It’s your choice.

Contact Us

With our Flat Fee Trademark Strategic Referral Service, you get professional trademark search and registration services while maintaining complete control over the relationship with your client.

Contact us today for complimentary consultation with one of our trademark attorneys. We’re happy to talk with you about our services, qualifications and how we may be of assistance to you and your clients. Call (800) 769-7790, or send an email to info@flatfeetrademark.com.


[1] Due to Bar rules governing attorneys’ fees, we do not pay any referral fees to third-parties on services rendered through flatfeetrademark.com or Minott Gore, P.A.

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Disclaimer: The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation. Any testimonials on this website are from real Flat Fee Trademark customers. Testimonials do not guarantee or predict the outcome of your matter.