Our Comprehensive Trademark Search and Application Package is offered at $675, which includes a complimentary consultation call with Attorney Gore or Attorney Minott, a Comprehensive Trademark Search (federal trademark records, State trademarks, common law uses and domain name registrations), an Attorney Opinion Letter analyzing and explaining the search results, and an Attorney-prepared trademark application. We continue to serve as the Attorney-of-Record for your application while pending registration. We will respond to non-substantive requests from the USPTO while your application is pending registration.
In addition, all applicants must pay applicable USPTO government filing fees of $350 per mark, per class of goods and/or services for which you are seeking protection. You do not pay the USPTO filing fee until we are ready to submit your application to the government. USPTO filing fees may be higher for custom descriptions or long descriptions of goods/services offered in connection with your mark. We do not receive any portion of the USPTO filing fees.