Florida Trademark Attorneys
Flat Fee Trademark assists many clients needing a Florida trademark attorneys when registering their trademark, logo or brand at an affordable low cost. Registering your trademark is never easier. Businesses in Miami, Hollywood, Delray, Tampa and other areas of Florida have been assisted with trademark registration by Flat Fee Trademark.
Flat Fee Trademark is an online trademark attorney service provided by Minott Gore P.A since 2008.
Registering a federal trademark had limited choices to search the availability of a trademark name prior to launching this online trademark attorney service.
Clients Requiring Florida Trademark Services
A comprehensive search and application for your trademark name or logo by a trademark attorney from Flat Fee Trademark can assist with avoiding any complications. In addition to the trademark application a trademark attorney will also prepare the Trademark Opinion Letter. A Trademark Search Report explaining the USPTO process is dispatched within 4-5 working days presenting the results.
When registering a trademark, clients can sometimes face certain obstacles including trademark oppositions. In fact, there are also a multitude of Office Action Responses for which you could require a Florida trademark attorneys.
Why Use a Flat Fee Trademark Attorney?
The attorneys at Flat Fee Trademark are licensed trademark attorneys unlike other online trademark registration companies. Other companies offer trademark registration at a cheaper cost but this is only for their attorney service. Companies like ‘Legal Zoom’ offer the service without legal assistance and this leaves a lot of room for mistakes in the application process and potential refusal before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), this often also proves to be expensive and time consuming.
There are no high hourly rates and additional hidden costs for the preparation and filing of your trademark application with Flat Fee Trademark.
Clients Requiring a Florida Trademark Attorney
Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.
Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:
- Office Action Responses
- Trademark Oppositions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Petitions (Letters of Protest)
- Requests to Revive an Application, Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Renewal filings to maintain active trademark registration
- Trademark Monitoring services
- Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Assignments and other Intellectual Property Agreements
- Federal Trademark Registration
Flat Fee Trademark covers Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Tallahassee, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Gainesville, Coral Springs, Miami Gardens, Lehigh Acres, Clearwater, Brandon, Palm Bay, Pompano Beach, West Palm Beach, Spring Hill, Lakeland and all other areas of Florida.
For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.